Hmmmm but then ah...what is SWOP till you drop??? This is a eco-environmentally friendly initiative aimed at saving Gaia. *noble cheapo moment here*
Trivia: This concept is not new and it is actually quite very "hip" thing overseas. London, UK, Amsterdam, Ireland, Germany... need I say more? Check this out, SwapInTheCity>
The idea is fairly simple bring 5 times that you would swap for and pay $5, then you take anything you want from the pool of stuff you see around OR if you come empty-handed, pay $5 for every item you pick up. The upside is that you will never know what to expect to find there?! Endless surprises awaits you, so exciting!
I definitely have lots of stuff around from all the obsessive shopping habit of mine... did I say obsessive? I really mean passionate.
Mdm Cheapo wants to do my bit to save Gaia & this really sounds fun too! *see you there*
I wonder if I would enjoy swapping to shopping?
Date: 29th April
Time: 3-6pm
Place: JP1 Centre Stage
Cost: $5 if you are taking part in it, free for you to look see look see.
do check this out.