Time to save the Earth and utility bill too!
You may request for more if you require more, indicate in form. (Requested for 2 kits, shared it with my folks & parents-in-law too)
Each kit consists of 4 thimbles for taps and 2 thimbles for showerhead*
It decreased the water pressure quite a bit so in the end removed the ones in the shower as Madam Cheapo enjoys water jet hitting on the skin hard. Feels cleaner that way.
Kept the ones in the sink there as often we tend to open the sink tap too much and waste water. Noticed a 3-7% decrease in Utility bill.
Delivered in: 2-3 weeks
Worth-it-Meter: 4.0/5.0 (comes to quite a bit in the long run)
Link> http://www.pub.gov.sg/quizsurvey/Pages/RequestforWaterSavingKit.aspx
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